Sour Grapes


Sour Grapes is just one episode in a series of Comedy Shorts/Pilot for TV Half Hour Shows. (The Escapades of Cathy & Dave = Working Title)

A Hen-pecked, emasculated man Dave, seeks retribution on his domineering partner Cathy!

Set in an ordinary Irish residence with scenes in the kitchen/dining room, the bathroom, the hallway, stairs, and front door. It is dialogue heavy taking the best out of actors. The antagonist, Cathy, is the star and key player for sure!

Dave, 30’s normal guy, is married to Cathy, 30’s, a narcissist, a sociopath, that is totally self-centred, and she treats Dave as her personal servant. This basically goes unnoticed to Dave as he is prone to be naive and anything for a quiet life is his motto. However, an incident occurs between one of his friends and Cathy that opens his eyes as such and he wants to get one back on Cathy.
Cathy has three friends, two of which are of the same sentiments as she, and the third is a quiet wannabe, but is often the subject of their roasts. Paula, Jane, and Mary are their respective titles; and along with Cathy they love to drink wine to excess. This is where their true personalities come to the forefront in no uncertain way.
Cathy decides to have a house party with her friends and Dave seizes this opportunity to impose his revenge on his beloved and her almost identical friends.

John Lennon Cohen

Running time approx’ 30 minutes.

Writer – John Lennon Cohen

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